Ireland Mentees Connect
Ireland Mentees Connect Episode 1 – Howth Peninsula Dublin Cliff Walk with Adebusola Owokole

Ireland Mentees Connect Episode 1 – Howth Peninsula Dublin Cliff Walk with Adebusola Owokole

We followed the Purple Route from the Summit Car Park – Route 3: The Bog of Frogs loop (aka the Purple Route)

The Howth Cliff Walk aka the Howth Head Walk is arguably one of the best walks in Dublin.

Ireland Mentees Connect Episode 1 – Howth Peninsula Dublin Cliff Walk with Adebusola Owokole

This Howth walk kicks off from the DART station and follows purple arrows. It takes in everything from Howth Hill and Red Rock Beach to Bailey Lighthouse and more.

This is the longest (and arguably the most challenging!) of the many different walks in Howth and takes a total of 3 hours to complete.

Collect moments not things.
Memories are the timeless treasures of the heart.
We do not remember days, we remember moments.

The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way.

Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

The love we give away is the love we keep.

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

Memories are precious, and the moments we share with others can create lasting bonds and joy in our lives.

I’m human with multiple flaws.

We bless God for Grace to change lives and for the privilege to serve mankind.

Cherish each connection and the memories you create together.

To God be the Glory!!!

Ireland Mentees Connect..
Episode 1..
Making Memories that Lasts Forever.

~Adebusola Owokole

Adebusola Owokole Training & Consulting
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